A carta de motivação (motivation letter ou motivational letter) é um documento fundamental em praticamente todos os processos seletivos universitários, e isso vale para todos os níveis educacionais. Pensando nisso, trouxemos cinco exemplos de cartas escritas por estudantes de diferentes partes do mundo (todas em inglês) para você começar a treinar daí da sua casa mesmo. Vamos lá!?
5 dicas para escrever uma carta de motivação perfeita
O que é uma carta de motivação?
Antes de começar a ver os exemplos que trouxemos, vamos relembrar o que é, de fato, uma carta de motivação? Uma carta de motivação é um documento que detalha as habilidades profissionais de um candidato, assim como os motivos para ele se candidatar a um curso, bolsa de estudos ou trabalho voluntário. Essa carta acompanha a inscrição e outros documentos de apoio, como a transcrição de notas e o currículo.
Cartas de motivação também são conhecidas como "statement of purpose", ou algo como declaração de propósito, em português. Vale lembrara que elas não são comumente usadas para pedidos de emprego remunerado, que normalmente exigem um outro documento: as cartas de apresentação.
5 modelos de carta de motivação para você treinar agora
Carta de motivação para mestrado
Nesse primeiro exemplo, temos a carta de motivação de um estudante se aplicando para um mestrado na área de Logística. Note que o candidato começa o texto de maneira formal se dirigindo ao selecionador que irá ler a carta; depois ele informa alguns detalhes sobre sua formação acadêmica e profissional e explica por que se interessou pela sua área de atuação, citando o exemplo do seu pai.
Além disso, também aponta quais foram os motivos que o levaram a escolher a universidade para onde ele está escrevendo essa carta, assim como o país e a cidade que hospedam essa instituição. Ele finaliza o texto contando sobre o seu lado mais pessoal, falando o que gosta de fazer e também citando um pouco da família.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to submit my name and credentials for consideration for the Business Administration: Specialization in Transport & Supply Chain Management program in XXXX University.
I have graduated from Makarov State Maritime Academy in St. Petersburg, Russia from which I received a BCA diploma with honors with the qualification of Engineer on Transport Organization and Management specializing in ‘organization of transportation and transport management (water transport)’ in the year 2006. Moreover, as you can see in my CV I have had extensive experience working for the Japanese ocean container carrier, NYK Line, for six years.
I chose the shipping industry for my future profession as I have always been interested in the sea. My fascination with the sea came from my father, who is a sailor and also a teacher of navigation.
My study at the academy, together with classes related to logistics and transport management, gave me a particular enjoyment of English classes. These classes have helped me greatly to expand my boundaries in learning enabling me to understand some subjects in both Russian and English languages.
As a cadet I also worked part time as a trainee in a shipping company, Rusmarine, which was an agent of the NYK Line in St. Petersburg, Russia. Later the NYK Line established its own representative office in the country. Once I graduated from the academy, I passed the job interview and was invited to work in the company. A career with NYK gave me great job satisfaction and provided me with opportunities for personal development. At this time in my life, I desire more of a challenge and would very much appreciate the opportunity to study at VU Amsterdam University.
In my extensive travels throughout Europe, I one day realized that I would like to study abroad, gain new knowledge and new life experience, learn other cultures, and meet people from other countries. I believe that the Netherlands is the best place for studying logistics as it is a great shipping and logistics world center. Also, I was delighted to discover that your university is located in one of my favorite cities, Amsterdam. I believe the Transport & Supply Chain Management program provided by the university is an excellent one for me to consider for the furtherance of my education. I would like very much to be able to learn new things, experience new educational methods and programs, and to grow as a student and as a person.
Concerning my personality, I believe I am a very responsible individual who loves to learn new things in life and to seek new experiences. I enjoy observing the people around me and meeting others with understanding and respect. Working for NYK I had opportunities to contact people around the world making some good friends in Asia, Europe, Oceania, and the USA. Making friends is one of my greatest abilities. I have a passion for photography, and I enjoy browsing photo exhibitions even more than taking photos myself. Also, I like reading Russian, English, and American literature. Moreover, I regularly attend performances of Russian theatre, such as The European Theater of Drama and others. I have a wonderful family and love spending time with them. They support me very much and do their best to encourage me to take new steps in life.
I would very much like to have an opportunity to study at XXXX University and to demonstrate my skills, experience, and ideas.
Kindest regards,
Dylan Brown
Carta de motivação para graduação
Agora vamos ver um exemplo de carta de motivação real escrita por um estudante aprovado no programa de graduação em Engenharia da California Institute of Technology (Caltech).
Ele inicia o texto falando quando e como surgiu o seu interesse pela Engenharia, citando uma experiência específica (a realização de um projeto da época da escola) e utilizando isso como mote central para a redação da sua carta de motivação.
Como conseguir uma carta de recomendação?
O candidato ressalta, desde o início, a sua capacidade de liderança e suas habilidades nos campos da Matemática e das Ciências. Além disso, também cita seus dons artísticos e o quanto isso pode ser um diferencial pra ele enquanto estudante da área de exatas.
Já na parte final da carta de motivação, ele começa a destacar por quais motivos optou por estudar na Caltech ao mesmo tempo que frisa também como suas qualidades fazem dele uma boa "aquisição" para a instituição.
Everyone knows that it takes both hard work and a good understanding of the subject in order to complete a project. However, I never appreciated the other academic strengths and personal qualities needed until my 11th grade physics final. The task was to create an energy conversion machine that would undergo a minimum of five energy conversions. The construction of the machine piqued my interest in pursuing an engineering career and later became the pivotal factor in my decision to apply to Caltech.
I knew from the beginning that it would be a challenge to complete just the minimum requirements for the project. Believing that my teammates and I had the ability and potential to do better, as the team leader, I made it our goal to cover the conversions of all eight energy types that were taught in class. I also strived to add into the machine a bonus feature of breaking an egg. Struggling to find a solution for breaking the egg, I reflected upon the force of gravity we had learned. This idea led to a trap-door mechanism that would allow the egg to fall under gravity and break upon impact.
In addition to excelling in math and the sciences, I am also a strong visual art student. Enjoying drawing and designing, I gained a different perspective that I may not have had as just a science student. The creativity and imagination from the visual arts allowed me to use toilet paper rolls, Styrofoam, and Popsicle sticks as the primary materials to construct the machine in a limited space within limited time. Together with good planning, coordination, and the ability to work in a team, my innovative perspective from visual arts made this project a success.
On the due date, I watched with a prideful glee as the machine operated smoothly. For going beyond the minimum requirements, the machine was very well received. Beyond earning an excellent grade, the challenge of completing this project intrigued my increasing interest in engineering. My expectations and goals as a future college student were also evolved during the process.
Certain that I wanted to become a professional in the engineering field; I began searching for a college that would provide me with an excellent academic and hands-on experience. While I knew that Caltech is a prestigious science and engineering school, it wasn’t until I received the Caltech Signature Award that I developed a stronger interest in becoming a Techer. Upon further research, I realised that Caltech is the college for me.
At Caltech, my engineering aspirations will be realized in this challenging, research-integrated environment. The rigorous coursework and the generous research opportunities at Caltech will provide the challenge I need to achieve my goal of becoming an engineer. In return, I believe the combination of my academic strength and creative professional characteristics will definitely contribute to Caltech and help to add to the interdisciplinary atmosphere of the school.
It takes more than just hard work to succeed as an engineering professional. However, it can be achieved with the outstanding educational opportunity at Caltech and with my other academic strengths and personal qualities.
Carta de motivação para MBA
No nosso último exemplo, de uma aplicação para um programa de MBA, temos uma carta de motivação que responde à duas perguntas pré-estabelecidas pela EAE Business School, uma escola de negócios espanhola. A primeira pergunta é focada nos motivos pelos quais o candidato escolheu o programa e a instituição em questão e a segunda questiona como o candidato poderá contribuir para a sua turma e também para a EAE.
Perceba que nas duas perguntas as respostas são simples e diretas, respondendo exatamente o que está sendo perguntado e, o mais importante, sem tentar mudar de assunto ou trazer respostas que não acrescentam em nada ao ponto central da questão.
53 tópicos para te inspirar a escrever um essay
O candidato também mostra que fez o dever de casa e pesquisou sobre a instituição e seu desempenho nos rankings de avaliação antes de a escolher. Também não deixa de apontar algumas das suas habilidades e qualidades, como a sua boa capacidade de liderança, sua paixão por aprender e o seu foco para exercer atividades.
Why this program and why at EAE Business School?
I want to do this program because I want to change my career path. My goal in life is to be useful to others, for me that is the ultimate success. I study to become useful, to develop skills that others need. Learning business management and administration will make me useful to many. Managing and administration are meta-skills, and people will always need them. Learning them gives me options. Options are opportunities, and I am an absolute opportunist. The best plan for me is the one that lets me change my plans. I consider an International MBA to be the best move I can do for my career, and I am extremely motivated to pursue one.
EAE Business School is the number one option for my Master’s Degree. What I value highest is the location, as I have wanted to go live in Spain for years. I am an advanced learner of Spanish. This is an opportunity to take my Spanish to C1- level. Living in Barcelona for a year would be a dream come true. I am impressed by the school’s international rankings and the praise of the former students. It ensures me that the school will propel my career in the right direction. The curriculum is exactly what I am looking for, as it will give me many different career options. The focus on entrepreneurship interests me, as I am a creative person who constantly tries to think outside of the box.
What do you think you can contribute to the class group and program?
I can contribute with effective and efficient work methods. School has always been easy for me. My trick is to recognize what is important, and focus on that. I approach everything I do systematically. I always look for ways to simplify, and I question everything I do. My ability to be both effective and efficient will be an asset.
I can contribute with eagerness to learn, active participation and intensive focus. I have an unlimited passion for learning. The desire to learn skills that are useful to others drives me and motivates me. I always participate actively in class, and will surely share my opinions. I can also focus intensively on one task for a long time period. My attention span is extremely long. That is an asset both to me and those I work with.
I can contribute with leadership abilities. I tend to take charge in social and professional situations. I consider myself a natural leader, based on my work as a football coach and as a group instructor.
Carta de motivação para bolsa de estudo
No nosso próximo exemplo temos uma carta de motivação escrita por uma pessoa que está tentando conseguir uma bolsa para apoiar os seus estudos de Enfermagem. Note que a autora do texto retoma alguns fatos da sua trajetória pessoal e familiar para embasar o seu amor pela área profissional que escolheu e, ao mesmo tempo, justificar indiretamente por que merece receber o apoio financeiro. Ao mesmo tempo, ele demonstra conhecer a universidade em questão, indicando um interesse genuíno em estudar na instituição.
To Mr. Silva,
My name is Ana Santos, and I am writing to show my interest in a scholarship for your Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. I have a passion for helping people, and I hope my financial limitations will not hold me back in harnessing this passion in my career.
I grew up in a lower-class family with a single mother who worked three jobs to provide for my brothers and I. My mother taught me the value of hard work and the importance of taking care of others who cannot take care of themselves. She also stressed the importance of education to us, teaching us that it would help us access an easier life. Her encouragement along with my own determination helped me earn some of the best grades in my high school class.
As my mother worked long hours, I spent a lot of time caring for my youngest brother who has cerebral palsy. I feel the time I spent caring for him sparked interest in nursing. I learned to be compassionate and patient and was rewarded by his smiles. I hope to make my own patients smile in the face of their own health concerns in the future.
I feel my natural work ethic and drive to succeed would make me an asset to Los Angeles University. I know your school has an excellent nursing program, and feel it would give me the perfect environment to gain the degree I need to secure my dream job and give back to the community. Rest assured that I would make the most of the scholarship opportunity and make you and my mother proud.
I am very grateful for the time you have taken to consider my application and look forward to hearing from you soon. Please do not hesitate to contact me at ana.santos@email.com if you have any questions about my application.
Kind regards,
Ana Santos
Carta de motivação para voluntariado
O foco dessa carta de motivação é como o autor ressalta as razões pelas quais se interessou em se voluntariar para essa organização, e não para qualquer outra. Ele aponta detalhes sobre a abordagem dessa organização ao mundo animal que causam identificação com o seu modo de pensar essas mesmas questões. Por outro lado, ele também não deixa de traçar um pouco da sua história e como surgiu o seu interesse pelo mundo animal.
Dear Ms. Carvalho,
My name is Pedro Souza, and I am a veterinary science student at University of Sao Paulo. I am responding to the call for volunteers posted on the All Paws Animal Shelter website. This opportunity attracted me because I have a natural passion for animal welfare, which I am furthering in my studies.
I grew up around animals living on a farm in rural Minas Gerais. During this time, I was involved in many aspects of animal care, including training our dogs, grooming our horses and milking cows. I loved spending time with our animals and discovered how wonderful their companionship can be. I also learned the importance of the less-glamorous sides of animal care, including cleaning waste and pens to keep our creatures comfortable.
Through my veterinary science studies, I have learned even more about animal care, including how to diagnose and treat animal diseases and how to help animals give birth. I believe these skills, along with the experience I acquired on the farm, would be invaluable to you at All Paws Animal Shelter. I also believe I could learn a lot more to complement my schooling at your organization.
I am especially interested in working at All Paws Animal Shelter as you accept a diverse range of animals. I also appreciate your shelter's no-kill policy and commitment to ongoing care for senior animals. These policies align with my own belief that all animals deserve the chance to live a long life and find a forever home, no matter how long that takes.
In conclusion, I feel I would be an asset to All Paws Animal Shelter and hope you will accept my application for volunteer work. Please contact me at tonylovesanimals@email.com if you have any questions about my application.
Yours sincerely,
Tony Iyer
Agora que você já viu esses cinco exemplos de carta de recomendação, te desafio a tentar escrever a sua própria carta. Imagine que você está de fato se aplicando para a sua oportunidade dos sonhos no exterior e escreva considerando o seu contexto social, acadêmico e/ou profissional, além das suas experiências de vida. Se o seu inglês ainda não está afiado, faça em português mesmo e depois tente traduzir para ver como fica.
Universidade do Intercâmbio
Você quer se preparar para escrever uma carta de motivação de verdade em um processo seletivo de verdade para uma universidade de verdade? Então entre em contato com a gente! Nós podemos te ajudar a conquistar sua oportunidade internacional através da nossa mentoria especializada. Quer saber como? Então clique aqui para fazer o nosso teste de perfil e entrar para o nosso time de mentorados.