Você está preocupado com as questões de Leitura do TOEFL? Por mais que essa seção da prova possa parecer fácil, há algumas “pegadinhas” que podem acabar te enganando, sem contar a corrida contra o tempo para ler e responder tudo. Para te ajudar, selecionamos 3 questões dessa parte do teste, passando por alguns dos tipos mais comuns de perguntas.
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3 questões de Leitura do TOEFL
Questão 1
Human anatomy is the scientific study of the body’s structures. Some of these structures are very small and can only be observed and analyzed with the assistance of a microscope.Other larger structures can readily be seen, manipulated, measured, and weighed. The word “anatomy” comes from a Greek root that means “to cut apart.” Human anatomy was first studied by observing the exterior of the body and observing the wounds of soldiers and other injuries. Later, physicians were allowed to dissect bodies of the dead to augment their knowledge. When a body is dissected, its structures are cut apart in order to observe their physical attributes and their relationships to one another. Dissection is still used in medical schools, anatomy courses, and in pathology labs.
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 8.5
Question: The word augment is closest in meaning to
A. Prove
B. Increase
C. Validate
D. Spread
Essa é uma pergunta de vocabulário, um dos tipos de questões de Leitura do TOEFL. Nessa categoria, você é questionado(a) sobre o significado ou o sentido mais próximo de uma palavra ou frase, e tem 4 opções de resposta. Sendo assim, você precisa ser capaz de compreender o significado da palavra no contexto em que ela é utilizada na passagem.
Nessa questão, a alternativa B está correta, uma vez que increase está mais próximo do significado de augment. Spread é semelhante no sentido de tornar algo maior, mas spread denota que algo se espalha, enquanto augment, nesse caso, implica um aumento de volume/tamanho.
Questão 2
[...] Finally, for a fear to truly be a phobia, it must be recurring. That is, if the man on the plane had flown before without incident and continued to use planes after this one panic attack without experiencing further bouts of unreasonable fear, then he would not be said to be suffering from a phobia. A true aviophobic could never contemplate flying in any form without experiencing severe symptoms of acute nervousness. In this case, the man's single onset of severe panic would most likely be viewed as symptomatic of some other mental disorder, perhaps brought on by unrelated stresses in his life. Obviously, the fact that phobias are recurring fears, or rather, that they involve constant fear of the object of the phobia, should not be taken to mean that the fear can never be overcome. A person who is suffering from a phobia may, either through great effort of will, or, more likely, through a course of psychiatric treatment, conquer his phobia and cease to be frightened of whatever it was he was formerly afraid of.
Question: According to the author, in paragraph 4, what might be one cause of a single instance of a phobic-like episode?
A. Seeing plane crashes on the news
B. Watching too much violent television
C. Possessing a desire for public attention
D. Having too much stress in one's life
Essa é uma pergunta sobre um detalhe, outro dos tipos de questões de Leitura do TOEFL. Esse tipo pede, sempre, sobre informações que são especificamente declaradas em uma pequena parte da passagem. As questões geralmente se concentram em “quem”, “o quê”, “quando”, “onde” e “por quê”, conforme explicado pelo autor.
Aqui, a alternativa D é a correta. Isso porque a informação dessa opção é declarada diretamente no texto. A alternativa A está incorreta: assistir a acidentes de avião nas notícias é mencionado como algo que pode causar nervosismo não-fóbico em passageiros de companhias aéreas. B e C, por outro lado, não são mencionados na passagem.
Questão 3
Thus, American slaves soon found that music was one of the few methods of expressing themselves that their masters would permit and even encourage, as many of the slave owners found it pleasant to have slaves who could play music for them in the evenings. However, the plantation owners naturally wished to listen to music from their own culture, as well as to what they considered slave work songs. As a result, many slaves learned to play Western instruments and began to pick up Western songs, such as European dance music. European dance music at that time was characterized by harmony, or the playing of notes simultaneously to create a pleasing sound, an element previously lacking in the slave songs. It did not take long for blacks to begin experimenting with ways in which harmonic elements could be fused with the more tribal rhythms of the music of their own culture. The result of these experiments was the first type of jazz, known as the blues. The blues took their name from the reliance on blue notes, which are notes that are played at a lower pitch than would normally be expected in classical European music.
Question: Why does the author mention European dance music in paragraph 2?
A. To describe one influence that helped turn African slave songs into jazz
B. To argue that European dance music was inferior to jazz's antecedents
C. To provide an example of a type of music that contrasts sharply with jazz
D. To explain why slave owners found the music of their slaves refreshing
As questões de Leitura do TOEFL também perguntam sobre o objetivo, como no caso da pergunta acima. Esse tipo de questão exige que você entenda por que o autor incluiu algumas informações. A resposta não é declarada diretamente na passagem. Para resolvê-las, então, você precisa entender o ponto principal do parágrafo e como a informação solicitada se relaciona com o ponto principal da passagem.
Nessa questão, a resposta correta é a alternativa A, uma vez que o objetivo da passagem é traçar uma linha de desenvolvimento do jazz. A alternativa B é ilógica, sendo que a dance music europeia foi um dos antecedentes do jazz. Da mesma forma, a opção C está errada, pois o autor não compara explicitamente a dance music europeia ao jazz. Por fim, a alternativa D está incorreta porque a dance music europeia era conhecida pelos proprietários de escravos, ou seja, não era nova.
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